Of course with any Cleveland team there are going to be negatives. We currently sit about 1/3 of the way through this season, so lets take a look at the vast collection of negatives that have accumulated so far.
Eric Mantarded was hired.
We traded down in the draft and picked a center.
The whole "who's gonna start at QB" debacle.
Lurch at starting QB for the foreseeable future.
Sir Drops a Lot gets traded for another guy (Chansi Stuckey) who's hands seem to be related.
The Cleveland Browns have dropped 16 passes the past two games.
The trade deadline came with no movement.
Our leading tackler is on the I.R.
Brian Robiskie (our first 2nd rd pick) seems to have vanished off the face of the earth.
Our most promising rookie (out of camp at least), James Davis, was put on the I.R. after some extra curricular activities.
Our current 1-5 record.
Our lone win of 6-3.
Josh Cribbs not getting a new contract.
People at ESPN talkin smack (thanks T.G.)
Eric Wright flipping his car.
The fact that our defensive coordinator looks like "The Dude" and/or Miss Piggy.
Josh Cribbs still looking to restructure his contact. (C'mon Lerner).
12 players currently have the flu or flu-like symptoms.
Three passing TD's so far this year. The recipeints were Robert Royal, Steve Heiden, and FB Lawrence Vickers. Not exactly our top play-makers.
As we head into this weekends game against the Green Bay Packers (our 2nd time this year). Don't expect much from our defense. With 25% of the team battling the flu, our leading tackler gone for the year, and our best conerback in Eric Wright now finished playing Dukes of Hazzard in his Mercedes, I'm not sure if several single game passing and total yard records will be broken by Aaron Rodgers and his team.
Don't expect much from our Brownies this weekend and just pray that if you don't have the NFL package on Direct TV that Fox will be showing a much better game at 1pm Sunday.
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