With about 10 hours to go before the NFL draft, I feel like a little kid on Christmas Eve. I also feel like I could possibly take a trip up to Minnesota to kill anyone in the Vikings front office if they decide to trade there #3 overall pick, therefore blocking the Browns from drafting Bama RB Trent Richardson. In this very possible scenario, Tampa Bay which covets Richardson could very well put a package together to move up the two spots, leapfrogging Cleveland, and picking him forcing the Browns to go with plan "B" (if in fact the Browns do plan on taking Richardson). Minnesota is in a very plausible scenario where it seems that they will select USC OT Matt Kalil , However, they could also move down several positions, adding draft picks in a trade, and still get there guy. For a team like Minnesota who wouldn't mind adding draft picks this year. A trade could very well happen this evening. The other scenario could be the possibility that the St Louis Ram...
Where in the world was Robiskie Saturday?