So that you are able to follow the posting below, I will refer to Derek Anderson as Lurch and Eric Mangini as Mantarded. Mantarded, why would you let Lurch be the Browns Starting QB? Lurch has already thrown as many interceptions as Quinn has. Mantarded, Please review the following: Brady Quinn + 10 quarters = 3 int's Lurch + 2 quarters = 3 int's Quinn 2009 completion percentage: 60.8 Lurch 2008 completion percentage: 50.2 Even in his Pro-Bowl season his high was 56.5%. My question to you Head Coach Mantarded is this: What happens when Lurch fires 6 int's in the next two weeks? I mean really lets face it, Lurch's decision making is about as strong as Britney Spears. Remember when she drove with her baby in her lap? When this happens (and even Al Davis can foresee this) what do you do then? Brett Ratliff ?!?!?!? I think I speak for all of us when I say this, that you received a hell of a wake-up call during the preseason watching him show the world that he is the only q...
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