The following thoughts and evaluations you are about to read are in no particular order as I was too upset to put my feeling into an exact order.
The following thoughts and evaluations you are about to read are in no particular order as I was too upset to put my feeling into an exact order.
The Bengals, Lions, and the Raiders.
These are teams that should be in worse shape than the Cleveland Browns.
And here we are again.....looking up from the basement in nearly every statistical category.
Out of the 26 coaches that the Browns have had over the last ten years, I hate Mangini and his staff more than any other in the league. At let me tell you, I made quite a few Dick Lebeau jokes while he was running the show in Cincy. Not to mention my continuing hatred for Al Davis and his black hole organization.
But Eric Mangini you take the cake. You have managed to take a organization and make them worse than what they were the year before. Even Chris Palmer had more team continuity with a roster of men playing together for the first time.
You traded down in this past years draft to your FORMER team, to draft a center that so far has been bullied and overmatched in action. While the Jets draft a franchise quarterback where his play has been eye opening and nearly mistake free.
You have taken a running game (or lack thereof) and done nothing to bolster its numbers. Your game plan was to grind the ball with the ground game, and we now know that that just isnt going to work, with Jamal Lewis and 3 of our 5 starting offensive lineman. We are slammed at the line on offense every play and take on water like the Titanic. Normally the captain would go down with the ship but you are unworthy Mangini, mutiny is on your horizon.
Why would we not draft a RB in this past draft? Could we not have used a Wells, Moreano, McCoy, or Brown? Have you not seen any tape of Jamal before the draft?
Because after our first preseason game it was obvious that we could not run the ball, why has our play calling not evolved? Why are plays taking to long to develop while Brady Quinn's average yard of completion is 5.14? Is he just to scared to make a mistake? Is your R. Lee Ermey approach to this team making everyone second guess what they're doing? Should our 3.4 yds per carry be more like 4.4 yards if not for your drill Sargent like attitude?
I have never wanted to see a new coach on the Browns sideline like I do now. I loathed the hiring of Butch Davis from start to finish. But even he did not make a bigger mess of things than what you have done in less than 9 months. If I knew then what I know now, I would have aborted you. Yes, I did just say that.
If Randy Lerner knows what is best for this franchise you will be like the Spacehog that you are and be a one hit, one year wonder.
I remember two seasons ago watching Niners coach Mike Singletary on the sideline and thought he would make a great head coach. He's intelligent, intense, fearless, not afraid to speak his mind, PLAYED THE GAME, & knows how to motivate his players. This is everything we need in a coach. A coach that doesn't play smoke and mirrors with the media and can make a damn decision on who his starting QB will be weeks before the start of the regular season.
Oh did I mention that 10% of the Browns have filed a grievance against Mangini....
How can a team bring in key free agents and retain players with expiring contracts when no one wants to play for the current coaching regime with no sign of competing in sight?
With this form of instability and inconsistency, who would want to come to Cleveland. Who is gonna be our starting QB, Quinn, Anderson, or the newly available Jeff (i'm not gay) Garcia? Who is going to be our #1 WR? There is no chance in hell that Braylon Edwards is going to stay here. Jamal Lewis won't be in our backfield next season, who's going to run the ball on 3rd and 8?
While all of this is going on, the Bengals, Broncos, and Lions all seem to be headed in the right direction. The Bengals just knocked off the Steelers, the Broncos are 3-0, and the draft picks are finally starting to pay off for the Lions and after losing 19 straight now have a better record than the Browns.
My guess is that Michael Crabtree re-enters the draft and the Browns pick him up at #1 overall and sign Joey Harrington in the offseason to throw to him.
We trade down in the draft and select Tim Tebow in rd 1 and put him at safety.
I also came across this while writing this post The final post sums it all up in a nutshell:
September 29, 2009 5:00 PM
Posted by ESPN.com’s James Walker
We received an overwhelming response in our latest "Thought of the Day" regarding the current state of Cleveland Browns fans following years of losing and a 0-3 start.
Here were some of the responses from our AFC North inbox:
Tim from Akron, Ohio writes: As a lifelong Browns fan who has naively found hope when there wasn't any, I’m now dogged tired. Fans are all tired of missed tackles, tired of quarterback controversies, tired of head-scratching calls (quarterback sneak on first and ten?), tired of not stopping the run, tired of not scoring touchdowns and tired of a front office who cannot seem to make any impact towards winning. So, to answer your question, the reason we are more frustrated than previous years is because we no longer see any hope in sight. And, judging from the first three weeks, this team is the worst of the expansion era, including the 1999 team.
JMo from Bed-Stuy writes: I don't think it's fair to assess the Browns situation just yet. They are doing poorly now, there's no arguing against that. But Eric Mangini and George Kokinis need at least a whole season under their belts before it's fair to truly evaluate them. Let's give these guys a chance to finish up the season (ideally improving along the way) and make the off-season moves that really lend toward building the type of team they want to run. Mangini comes off as having some sort of plan with the restructuring of the team this past off-season. And I don't think the Browns were a "one off-season fix." Our problems have been festering since 1999.
Gene from Marion, Ohio writes: I’ve watched the Browns since 1954 and this is the bottom! It’s just about time to tear-up the jersey and look somewhere else. All problems point to a very poor coaching scheme and staff.
Tony from Louisville, KY writes: I, under no circumstances, will abandon the Dawgs. Since I was born I've followed the Browns with deep passion. There is no reason for any fan to abandon this team at this time. If, for the last decade we have been able to tolerate the lack of success this team has had then what’s another 2 or 3 years. Now is not the time to abandon this team. Now is the time when all Browns fans should be screaming at the top of their lungs in support of the players on the field. Let’s let them know that we stand behind them and support them. The Browns have inspired a city and nation of loyal Browns fans before, maybe now it's the fans turn to inspire a team.
Bob Pase from Midland, TX writes: As a 40-year Browns fan (started when I was 6) I am totally disgusted. For the first time in my adult life I don't care about hearing the score of the game. It's a culture that breeds losing. No one seems to know what it takes to win from the top down. I am skeptical of it turning around. As a true football fan I am so sad.
Chris in Iraq writes: I am a huge Browns fan; have been my entire life. I have never seen more loyal fans to their cause. Even here in Iraq, it is surprising to see how many fans show up to watch Cleveland games, sporting their Browns jerseys week in and week out. I know how brash Browns fans can be, but these fans spend their hard-earned money on this football team every week, every season. We walk around getting ridiculed for being Browns fans, but we still defend our team to anyone who comes around. All we want is a competitive team. A team that can go out and consistently win, and players who know what it is to be a Cleveland Brown.
Mike from Northampton, PA writes: Call it a year of firsts for me: first time I turned off a Browns game before it was "officially" (this game was over in the 1st Quarter) over and first time I won't purchase Browns tickets. I've had enough until the Browns put a product on the field that shows development. As a consumer I refuse to pay to watch them play! There is nothing exciting about this team. NOTHING! I will be very surprised if they win a game.
Marcus from DC writes: James, I'm not about to quit on the Browns, but agree that the problem stems not from winning or losing, but a lack of passion, of heart, of fire or whatever else you want to call it. The Browns are in a rebuilding mode, so losses are understandable. But the coaches seem to have no interest in winning. For the past few seasons, the phrase has been "Believeland." At this point, the fans are being given no reason to believe. After a terrible season, the Miami Dolphins re-staffed and gave the team a reason to believe with the Wildcat. The Browns have re-staffed, but seem to have no desire to find an offense that can get the fans and the team fired up. That's what we need to believe again—a little spark.
Fatman from Wheeling, WV writes: I have been a Browns fan my whole life. I have developed a short memory as most Browns fans do. I think we can win the Super Bowl every August and completely forget how bad we were the year before. The reason for my malcontent is the arrogance displayed by Eric Mangini. He has come in and treated the players like cattle. He expects them to automatically be on board with his game plan and way of doing things. The players have obviously not responded to his cold ways of operating a team. Unlike other fans who are jumping ship I will stay loyal but I can't even look forward to the offseason, which is the only season we can't lose because I'm certain Mangini will trade our almost certain No. 1 pick to the Jets for a towel boy and some hand warmers.
David from Manchester, TN writes: Hi James. I tried writing this four or five times and the list of complaints with the Browns are too long for me to waste my time with. Tell them to give me a call when they put forth the effort to get it right.
Again I apologize for the random thoughts, but that's what I do well.
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